
December 30, 2015

How to sprintf a float with Arduino

Arduino has a small limitation in sprintf function that does not print correctly float numbers.
The following test sketch demonstrates the problem

void setup()
void loop()
  float f = 123.12F;
  Serial.print("Original value: ");

  char str[50];
  sprintf(str, "String value: %f", f);

You can see from the screenshot below that the float is always formatted a question mark '?'.

Using integer trick

There is a little trick to correctly print the float value using sprintf.

sprintf(str, "String value: %d.%02d", (int)f, (int)(f*100)%100);

This trick works well only with positive numbers and formats the float with two fixed decimals.

Using dtostrf function

A better solution is to use the dtostrf function. It it is more flexible and works well also with negative numbers.
These two lines of code will write a string into the buffer with strcpy function and the append the float value using the dtostrf function.

strcpy(str, "String value using dtostrf: ");
dtostrf(f, 2, 2, &str[strlen(str)]);


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  3. The integer method is neat, but it has a little quirk: 12.4 is printed as "12.40" (it's OK) and 12.04 is printed as "12.4" (and it is confusing)

    1. You are right the example is not working perfectly.
      This should work.
      sprintf(str, "String value: %d.%02d", (int)f, (int)(f*100)%100);

      I have corrected the example.
      Thank you.

  4. for negative floats just use an abs()-fuction:
    sprintf(str, "String value: %d.%02d", (int)f, abs((int)(f*100)%100));

    1. with this method value from 0 and -0.9 are converted to positive.

  5. Hello,

    How is it possible to append in the same buffer more values


    strcpy(str, "Sensor 1 value: "); //put a string into the str buffer
    dtostrf(value, 2, 2, &str[strlen(str)]); //append the float value in the buffer
    strcpy(str, "Sensor 2 value: "); //put a string into the str buffer
    dtostrf(value1, 2, 2, &str[strlen(str)]); //append the float value in the buffer

    without the second one overwriting the first?

    Thank you!

  6. strcpy(str, "Sensor 1 value: "); //put a string into the str buffer
    dtostrf(value, 2, 2, &str[strlen(str)]); //append the float value in the buffer
    strcat(str, " Sensor 2 value: "); //append a string to the end of str buffer
    dtostrf(value1, 2, 2, &str[strlen(str)]); //append the float value in the buffer

    do make sure str has enough space defined to hold all of appended strings otherwise you will have memory corruption leading to some very annoying things without warnings!
    e.g. define str as: char str[45];
    being "Sensor 1 value: " = 16
    "-00.00" = 6
    " Sensor 2 value: " = 17
    "-00.00" = 6
    ---- +
    total size = 45

  7. thanks to unknown! exactly what i was looking for.

  8. Thanks YAAB, you solved my problem neatly. It is actually easy to make the first example work with negative values. The problem is that with a -ve the part of the result after the '.' gets its own '-', which we don't want. To solve this just "absolutize" the decimal part argument to sprintf...

    sprintf(str, "String value: %d.%02d", (int)f, (int)(f < 0.0 ? -1 : 1) * (f*100)%100);

  9. i tried this i cannot compile, below is my line.

    sprintf(payload, " %d.%02d", (int)v, (int)(v < 0.0 ? -1 : 1) * (v*100)%100);

    It says below, appreciate your help. thanks

    exit status 1
    invalid operands of types 'float' and 'int' to binary 'operator%'

    1. perhaps using fmod() will help

  10. I have not got it my friend.
    could you please describe teese two lines:
    strcpy(str, "String value using dtostrf: ");
    dtostrf(f, 2, 2, &str[strlen(str)]);

    I confused.

    Im a beginner in arduino.

  11. if you had easily access to the compiler options it would be very simple to just include the necessary switches -Wl,-u,vfprintf -lprintf_flt -lm

    But on Arduino I am afraid I don't know how to do this. I would have expected it to be set already by default, since Arduino does not save on resources otherwise...


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