ALA Example - RgbLedSequence

Example to demonstrate how to create an animation sequence for one RGB LED. The example also shows how to create and use a custom color palette.

#include "AlaLedRgb.h"

#define REDPIN 11
#define GREENPIN 9
#define BLUEPIN 10

AlaLedRgb rgbLed;

// custom palette :         black     white     black     red       green     blue
AlaColor mycolors_[6] = { 0x000000, 0xFFFFFF, 0x000000, 0xFF0000, 0x00FF00, 0x0000FF };
AlaPalette mycolors = { 6, mycolors_ };

AlaSeq seq[] =
  { ALA_CYCLECOLORS, 3000, 3000, alaPalRgb },
  { ALA_OFF, 1000, 1000, alaPalNull },
  { ALA_FADECOLORSLOOP, 4000, 8000, alaPalRgb },
  { ALA_FADECOLORSLOOP, 500, 4000, mycolors },
  { ALA_OFF, 1000, 1000, alaPalNull },
  { ALA_FADECOLORS, 5000, 5000, mycolors },
  { ALA_OFF, 1000, 1000, alaPalNull },

void setup()
  // initialize the RGB RED
  // set the brightness of the LED calibrating white

void loop()

1 comment:

  1. Hello,
    I'm having compilation errors:

    RgbLedSequence.ino:22:28: error: 'colors_' was not declared in this scope

    RgbLedSequence.ino:35:1: error: cannot convert 'AlaPalette' to 'AlaColor*' in initialization

    RgbLedSequence.ino:35:1: error: cannot convert 'AlaPalette' to 'AlaColor*' in initialization

    RgbLedSequence.ino:35:1: error: cannot convert 'AlaPalette' to 'AlaColor*' in initialization

    RgbLedSequence.ino:35:1: error: cannot convert 'AlaPalette' to 'AlaColor*' in initialization


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