ALA Example - RgbStripSerial

This is a playground for the ALA library that allows to control animations of a WS8211 RGB LED strip using AT serial commands.

First of all you have to connect the WS8211 led strip as follows.

If you want to drive 20 or more leds you need a reliable 5V power source otherwise you can use the 5V pin of the Arduino to power the strip.

Follow these steps to run the example.

  • Open the Arduino IDE and download ALA library using the Arduino Library Manager.
  • Open the RgbStripSerial example and verify that the NUM_PIXELS constant matches the number of leds in your RGB strip.
  • Connect your Arduino board to the PC, compile and upload the sketch.
Now open the Serial Monitor (under Tools menu) and set the following properties in the status bar at the bottom of the window:

  • Line ending: Newline
  • Baud rate: 9600

Try the following commands:

  • A=101 - to turn on the leds
  • A=251 - run a ‘larson scanner’ animation
  • P=2 - sets a rainbow palette
  • D=2000 - duration of the animation to 2 seconds
  • A=242 - another nice animation
  • A=222 - comet animation
  • C=66aa00 - set color to teal

Available commands are:
  • A=[animation code] - Set the animation. Available animation codes are listed in the AlaLed.h header file.
  • B=[brightness] - Set the brightness. It must be in the [0-100] range.
  • D=[duration] - Set the duration in milliseconds of the animation cycle.
  • C=[color] - Set the color. It must be an hexadecimal RGB representation like e8a240
  • P=[palette] - Set the palette. It must be in the [0-5] range.


  1. SRAM tends to overrun with high LED numbers resulting in no initialization. Println(F( for the initial setup commands forces them into flash, saving precious bytes for the LEDs!


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